Marcaus Cruz

3419 NW 116th Way · Vancouver, WA 98685 · (360) 821-9681 ·

I'm a recent Computer Science graduate out of Western Washington University. For the past year and a half, I've been focusing on web development through my senior project and other side projects, mainly using HTML/CSS and Javascript, PHP, and React. Along with that, I've had the privilege of assisting with research in the hardware security realm, developing software representations using Python. I absolutely loved both of these projects for the vast amount of learning and problem solving that had to be done.


Research Assistant

Western Washington University -- Professor Tarek Idriss

Implemented and tested numerous Python-based software representations of novel hardware security ideas. Created scripts for machine learning benchmarking on computed data from the software representations. Logged and analyzed results using wanDB to examine the security measures against other types of PUFs.

PUF Overview: PUF stands for Physically Unclonable Functions and aims to use the uniqueness of integrated circuits (ICs) of a device at the microscopic level to generate and authenticate keys. The idea is, even if two people purchased the same device, from the same manufacturer, manufactured just seconds apart, the circuits in those devices still differ just enough to be unique- like a snowflake. We can send signals though these unique ICs, using numerous evaluation techniques, to create unique keys. Once a key has been obtained, we then run a set of many challenges through the PUF to get the same number of unique responses, these are called Challenge-Response Pairs (CRPs). Since we have the set of unique CRPs, we can use them to authenticate any transaction over the internet. A has the CRPs, B has the key, A sends B challenges in which they use the key to evaluate, then B sends the responses back to A. If the CRPs match up, then B indeed has the key and is who they say they are. Types of PUFs I worked on here

Tools used: Python, Tensorflow, WanDB, LaTeX, Microsoft Excel

October 2020 - December 2021

Front End Web Developer

CAAML Web Tool

Practiced the Agile Scrum development process with a team of 4 to create a website used by college professors to improve their lecture efficiency. It does this by reading the annotated output of a ML audio analysis algorithm called CAAML (a black box we were provided with from our client). CAAML determines snippets of audio into 1 of 9 categories, some examples being Student Question, Group Work, Instructor Question, and Lecture. Our website organizes lectures by course and courses by term using a mock database in a file system. Upon arrival on a course page, the user is able to toggle through various graphs created using D3.js which were designed to visualize the way the professor is lecturing for analysis. The user has many controls over these graphs as they were built from scratch to meet our client's requests.

Tools used: Agile Scrum, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, D3.js, Adobe XD, Trello, CAS Login System

January 2021 - December 2021

Home page/landing page

Here's the unfinished landing/home page where users login. Includes sections that describe use cases of our product, a tutorial section, and descriptions of the various graphs included.

User Login

Our project connected to WWU's CAS Login System which is a secure login system where only WWU accounts could log in. Users cannot go beyond the home page without logging into their Western Accounts.

My Courses Page -- Create New Term

Once logged in, you can go to your user associated the 'my courses' page where you can create terms. Here is the create a term modal I created. This has basic validation and successfully creates a new folder that courses can populate.

My Courses Page -- Add a course

This modal handles the sub folder that holds actual classroom lectures. This course is then added to whichever term is selected from the drop down you see right above.

My Courses Page -- Term Selector and Course Cards

This image is demonstrating how the dropdown works and what the course cards look like. You can click "Go" on any of these cards to view that courses' lectures.

My Courses Page -- Remove a Course

Upon clicking the 'remove a course' button', the user will have the option to remove any course and delete all of it's data. This is in case the user accidentally named a course incorrectly or just doesn't want the data anymore.

Record Page

This unfinished record page is meant to stream the users webcam and audio to the ML algorithm for evaluation. The main purpose of this page is for the user to easily identify if they're recording and what's getting picked up from the input sources.

Record Page

Course Page -- Heat Map

Here's the course page that will automatically compute graphs based on the lectures logged for that course. Here are demonstrations of the various graphs my team's implemented.

Course Page -- Heat Map

Course Page -- Activity Trace

Course Page -- Activity Trace

Course Page -- Activity Trace

Course Page -- Pie Chart


Chicky Sandie App

Android app coded in Java so a user can easily fill out a chicken sandwich review form and get it auto formatted for a social media post. This app is primarily for my joke/hobby instagram account named "chicky_sandie_reviews" to speed up the time it takes to cultivate a review. Between the picture taking, rating, description writing, and formatting, it'll usually take me around 45 minutes to complete my post. I want to tackle that by having everything auto formatted for a quick copy-paste in a single click.

Tools used: Java, Android Studio, SQLite, Google Maps API, Git

May 2022 - Present

Food Order App

Created a web application to mock a real world scenario where customers can visit a restaurants website and order food off of their menu. This projects purpose was to get me more familiar with a larger application and the power of Reacts dynamic front end capabilities. I need to style a bit more, and handle user orders. It is currently connected to a firebase REST API for pulling recipes stored in the restaurants database.

Tools used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSX, Firebase API, React.js, npm, gh-pages, Node.js, Express.js, VS Code, Git

March 2022 - Present

Expense Tracker <-- Check it out!

A web application where the users input their expenses and see them visually to keep track on the money they've spent. A Firebase REST API is connected which is used for account sign up and login capabilities, as well as expense adding, deleting, and editing. I'm planning on adding multiple charts to the logged in users spending habits.

Tools used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSX, Firebase API, React.js, npm, gh-pages, Node.js, Express.js, VS Code, Git

March 2022 - April 2022

What's for Dinner

Implemented an Android app in which the user inputs what they have in their virtual 'pantry' and recieves a list of recipes from a Volley API call that they're able to cook at the moment. This app is connected to a database using SQLite for persistent data and has other features like a shopping list, a Google maps API that shows the user the nearest grocery stores, and a camera button for shareable pictures of their creations. In the MVC architecture, I worked primarily on the view and controller. This was my first full mobile app I've ever worked on so it was a big learning experience for me and helped reinforce my understanding of MVC, dynamically updating pages, and database connection and manipulation.

Tools used: Java, Adobe XD, Android Studio, SQLite, Google Maps API, Volley API, Git

January 2021 - March 2021

Demonstration Video

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TCP Chatroom

Created a server/client based command line chatroom with a partner using the TCP protocol in C. Once the server is connected, participants or observers can enter the chat room. Participants are able to send global messages or direct messges to specific participants. Observers tune in by picking a participants username who's already in the chatroom where they can see any direct messages to their participant or any global message. In other words, participants act as the message box of a chatroom and observers act as the viewing box of that participant. This project helped me understand socket connections, timeout implementations, buffer overflow handling, message handling, the TCP protocol, server/client communication, and forking.

Tools used: C, Gitlab CICD, TCP Protocol, Git

November 2020 - December 2020

Commands for initiating chatroom

I'm using Tmux to host two observer windows (top left/right), two participant windows (bottom left/right), and one server window (middle). The commands to run these programs are typed in, and you can find on my github.

Server start/connections made

Upon running the proper commands, the server will listen on the observer and participant ports for connections. Once connected as a participant, type in a username to join the chatroom. Once connected as an observer, type in a username of a connected participant you want to observe.

Participant Connection

Server will reflect who's joined

Observer Connection and messaging

Observers can see all global messages or private messages intened to the participant they're connected to.

Private message

You can see that user_two (right) sends a private message to user_one by starting the message with "@user_one " and is denoted on user_one's observer through a "%" symbol. You can also see that user_two's observer cannot see that private message. If the participant tries to send a private message to an invalid user, the server handles it and tell's that participants connected observer that the intended user does not exist.

Deadwood GUI

Worked with a partner on a clickable graphical representation of the board game, Deadwood. We were given XML files which we parsed to obtain all illustrations needed for the game. Using JavaFX, we practiced MVC architectural skills, Object Oriented Design and Programming, Class inheritence understanding, Interface knowledge, and game concepts. This was a pain of a project with tight deadlines and workload I had with that class alone. It was my first taste of strict time management which helped me tremendously through the rest of my college career.

Tools used: Java, XML, UML Class Diagrams, JavaFX, MVC Architecture, Use Cases

April 2020 - June 2020


Implemented a microshell in C that is capable of processing common shell commands like cd, ls, piping, signal interrupts, and expanding environmental variables. This was my first time programming in C so this project helped me learn a lot about how pointers worked, argument parsing, buffer overflow, parent and child processes, structs, Makefiles, and segmentation faults. It also gave me the opportunity to apply my knowledge of state machines a great deal and was a pivotal turning point in the way I analyzed and solved a problem before putting it into code.

Tools used: C, State Machines, GDB

January 2020 - March 2020


Programming Languages & Tools

Web Development

  • JavaScript
  • JSX
  • PHP
  • SQL

Programming Languages

  • Python
  • Java
  • C


  • React.js
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • Tensorflow
  • WanDB

Other technologies/tools

  • Android Studio
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Git
  • Bash
  • MySQL
  • SQLite
  • Joomla
  • CICD
  • Microsoft Office
  • VS Code
  • LaTeX


Western Washington University

Bachelor of Science - Computer Science
Whiteboard Coders Club, Intramural Football

GPA: 3.11

September 2017 - December 2021

Skyview High School

AP Student
National Honors Society, GEAR UP, Football, Track and Field, APX, Make-A-Wish Foundation

GPA: 3.81

August 2013 - June 2017


I love the outdoors! While outside, I'm usually snowboarding, hiking, or taking pictures of nature stuff. During the warmer seasons, I like camping out with frineds, climbing mountains, or cruising around on a longboard. When forced indoors because of the nasty elements of the PNW, you can find me practicing my chef and guitar skills, and most importantly, the latest technological advancements in the front-end world of web development.